Thank you all for attending AWIS-UCR Self defense class. We hope you found it empowering and will continue to defend yourself in all capacities. We had 24 out of 33 RSVPs --- for those of you who could not attend and are interested in opportunities with 10th Planet in Redlands please contact me as Rick and I are coordinating a program AWIS-UCR (at a cost).
AWIS-UCR is committed to offering as many free events as possible, one way we are able to do this is through sponsorship and collecting donations at our events. Whether you attended or not please consider donations, if you have not done so already. Our Venmo is: @AWIS UCR
Thank you to all the men who came out to support AWIS-UCR - It is inspiring to see our wonderful men supporting amazing women advancing in science! Special thanks to Richard Marshall for his time, venue and staff, Wayne Marshall for helping to coordinate the event and helping us master moves, Master Robinson for his immense knowledge (your swift moves are an inspiration), Israel Santana for helping us master moves, and Brandon Davis for helping to set-up and Down.
If you want to look through more event photos find them here!
"...and though she be but little, she is fierce.." -Shakespeare (Midsummer's Night Dream act 3 scene 2)
~Leticia Meza